Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański
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Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański

Team Information

Hanna Wolska, PhD, habil.

Coordinator of the Legal Practice Laboratory

Hanna Wolska coordinates the Law Practice Laboratory at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Law at the University of Gdańsk. She holds a postdoctoral degree in legal sciences. She is the author of several dozen scientific publications in public business law. Currently, she is conducting research in the area of quantum technology law, e.g., relating to principles and standards (including ethical standards) that should condition the operation of quantum technologies. She is the principal investigator of international and national research grants funded by the National Science Centre (NCN), the Polish-German Foundation for Science (PNFN), the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA), and the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN). She is an attorney-at-law and a member of the Scientific Council of the National Centre for Nuclear Research. She has received a scholarship from the Ministry of Science for outstanding young scientists.

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