Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański
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Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański

Anna Klimaszewska PhD,

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Anna Klimaszewska, PhD, in her research focuses on issues from the field of the history of French law and on the influence exerted by the French law on the shape of Polish legal culture. In 2013, she completed two projects financed by the Joint Center for History and Economics of Harvard University & University of Cambridge: Adoption of the French Commercial Code of 1807 in the Duchy of Warsaw as a Significant Factor in the Development of Commercial Law on the Polish Territories and How to Rebuild the Feudal World? The Backward Poland at the Turn of the 18th and 19th Centuries in Clash with the Western European Legal, Political and Economic Thought (co-authored with M. Gałędek). In the years 2014-2018 she was the head of the research project financed by the National Science Centre, entitled Implementation of the French Rules of Commercial Law in the Duchy of Warsaw, Constitutional Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Krakow – Code de Commerce in Clash with Polish Reality (OPUS 5; developed in cooperation with M. Gałędek). Since 2016, she is the head of the research project financed by the National Science Centre, entitled National Codification – a Phantasm or a Realistic Alternative? In the Circle of Debates over the Native Law System in the constitutional Kingdom of Poland (SONATA BIS; developed in four- person team). She held a scholarship awarded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (a Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scholars) and by the Foundation for Polish Science. She is also a laureate of numerous prizes and a visiting professor at Université Toulouse 1 Capitole.

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