Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański
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Centre for Interdysciplinary Legal Research Uniwersytet Gdański

Team Information

Anna Klimaszewska PhD,

project lider

Anna Klimaszewska is the Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk, and a visiting professor at the University of Oslo, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, Tilburg University, and Université de Toulouse Capitol 1. Her research focuses primarily on the mosaic of legal cultures influencing the Polish legal system, national legal identity, and myths about it.
Currently, she is leading a project funded by the National Science Centre, 'A Tsunami or a Gentle Tide? European Legal Thought Confronted with the French Commercial Code of 1807′. Using an interdisciplinary methodology (discourse network analysis, frame analysis), the project team delves into how the framework adopted by the legislator through a code of law influenced the evolution of legal discourse in Belgium, Germany, and Poland.
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